MyChron5 660 - is the most complete system to sample, record and view all data for your Jr. Dragster and is NHRA homologated.
Data recording
As a standalone unit, MyChron5 660 records:
- Engine RPM
- Jackshaft RPM
- Cylinder Head Temperature
- Exhaust Gas Temperature
- Speed (computed out of jackshaft RPM and final drive ratio)
Real Time Display
The three most important data for staging your Jr. Dragster -RPM, EGT and CHT - are clearly shown on the large LCD display.
Steady Stage
Below 5,000 RPM the display will average the RPM itself with a dedicated stabilizer. The result is a much more consistent number for your carburetor tuning.
CVT and overdrive
(computed out of engine RPM and jack shaft RPM)
Linear Acceleration
(computed out of speed)
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