Part # 30751 BB Chevy ( 1965-90 Mark IV) 2 piece seal
Sump Length 9 1/2", Depth 8 1/2 "
Allows 4.500" Stroke Crank
Pan Capacity is 6 Qts. Plus Filter
Pick up Milodon # 18201
Milodon oil pan is a Low Profile design with an oil filter cut out allowing the oil filter to exit straight down. Big inch engines with large tube headers will enclose the filter area making removal difficult and very messy, This design now make it easy.
Also stroker design interior protects the oil in the sump from the large amount of windage these engine experience internally. If the sump is not protected it is possible this windage will disrupt the oil supply causing poor oil pressure.
Comes with a high strength magnetic drain plug.