BBC 502 to 509 with 4” stroke an AFR 290 or 305 heads to a max of 6000 rpm. Welcome to the brotherhood of 600HP on pump gas with over 600#/ft. This cam will produce over 600HP with a single plane and right at 600HP with an air gap intake. Single plane will make 25 more HP and sacrifice 10#/ft of torque. Carburetor of choice is a 950HP 4150. 1 7/8”s headers are recommended. Okay with power brakes, 12' of Vacuum at 1000 RPM.. 850 Idle RPM
Part. No. 160-3196 Grind #HR-294-0-CSR
Adv. Duration 294/294
Duration @ .050 - 235/235
.200” Duration 147/147
Lift .559/.559
Centers 107/113
LSA 110
- 12" of Vacuum at 1000 RPM